August 25, 2012

Do You Love Shakespeare?

If you love Shakespeare and the many adaptations of his work, you may find the 1996 movie Romeo and Juliet worthwhile seeing. This version is set in modern times in a place called "Verona Beach" and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.

I saw it in a hotel room, and wasn't paying close attention until the last half. The movie is an abridged version of the famous play, but in my opinion the last half, at least, was brilliant.

From what I read, this film came out to mixed reviews, with one devastating review by Larry Ebert. Personally, I think Larry Ebert got it dead wrong with this one. Shakespeare’s plays are eminently adaptable, and the many variations of the themes make his works timeless. The sheer poetry, cadence and language of his words are absolutely gorgeous.

I love Shakespeare and I loved what I saw of this film. I hope you do too. Here's the trailer:

Posted by Judi at August 25, 2012 2:06 AM | TrackBack
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