As of midnight last night, DADT is over. Finally, more people in the military will be able to be honest about who they are.
Like many around the world and in this country, my feelings and beliefs about sexual orientation have evolved in many ways. Little did I know that there must have been a number of people all around me who didn't feel safe about revealing essential aspects of themselves. Most had to hide who they were from almost everybody. Not only did they have to conceal so much of themselves, but they must have lived with a constant fear that they would be "outed" by someone else.
It's not that getting rid of DADT will make everything better, but it is a step forward in extending civil rights to a distinct minority of our citizens. I have no illusions that the fight is over. There is still is a lot of bigotry out there. Unfortunately few of us are completely free of this terrible aspect. We all must be alert and search our hearts to see how we must change.
I have a fear that the "churches of hate" around our country and around the world who have been so vocal about this subject will now move into a higher gear and increase their rhetoric to condemn what they consider as deviant behavior. They are very good at inducing fear in people about the "other". It always seems so sad to me that so many churches preach about an "other" who is to blame for every ill and catastropy. There is always an enemy in their book.
This makes me sad because I believe with all my heart that there really is no Other. It isn't "us" or "them". It is "we". The truth is that We Are All One.
So tonight, while I am feeling so very glad about this small victory for equality, to combat my fear, I am drawing an ever increasing and welcoming Circle of Light within my heart. This is circle of inclusion. The borders of my circle are flexible and pliable, and not so completely solid as to keep anyone out. Everyone is In. Even those who violently disagree with me and my opinions are not out. In my circle, All are In the Light.
Posted by Judi at September 20, 2011 9:45 PM | TrackBack