August 27, 2008

Awesome Prayer at The Democratic Conventon

"Jin Ho Kang and Young Sookkang delivered the closing prayer at tonight's (August 26th) convention. I found this text on the net. I hope a video clip of this will soon be available.

"Good evening."

"This is a prayer, a benediction and a blessing that we share with those who are gathered here this evening, heeding God's call to justice. Let us pray."

"God of every nation, we give our prayer in gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us as we close this evening's convention. We give our gratitude to you for the legacy of this nation that our mothers and fathers created and sustained. We cherish freedom and liberty, welcome immigrants, embrace diversity, and savor justice and peace."

"God of every voice, we hear a call for a new day. A new day that equals economic opportunities given to widows and orphans. A new day that the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. We hear your call for this nation to wake up to a voice that longs for leadership to be relevant to a new day."

"God of justice, in times of change, grant wisdom for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden. May they together lead in continuing the legacy of freedom and liberty. May they lead in bringing sacred change by creating a community that celebrates diversity and difference, that demands justice for all and that seeks peace, not war or violence."

"God of grace, grant your blessing on all the delegates and leaders who join in the convention to carry out the responsibility to select nominees to the highest offices of this nation. By your spirit give them grace to listen and grace to speak. Help them to discern where you are leading this country."

"God of new creation, now may the new leadership of this country trumpet a new day for this nation and the world so that our young people shall see visions, and our old ones dream dreams. So that we sing a new song: "Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

"God of hope, we lift up our voice to pray for a vision-filled future for this country. May we build a bridge of harmony among all God's people. May the work of this convention provide hope for all people of God in the nation."

"This we pray in the name of the one who is life eternal."


Posted by Judi at August 27, 2008 12:37 AM | TrackBack
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