May 2, 2008

I Believe in you....

My children; how blessed I have been to have had you come though me.

What joy it had been to be your mother even though you are now grown and are no longer in need of my attentions.

Have I told you lately that I am proud of you, that you have become remarkable men. And, that day by day, I give thanks that you chose to be my child in this lifetime.

Your hearts are filled with love and compassion, your fine minds are sharpened by discernment. And all that awaits is the moment when the touch of the divine awakens that part of you which reveals the eternal spark. And you realize that you too are made of stuff of the Gods. Perfect and whole, and individually and uniquely suited be part of those who will lead another generation on the journey to an evolving tomorrow.

Posted by Judi at May 2, 2008 2:32 AM | TrackBack

Okay so I just read an entry you wrote back in 03 about getting gum grafts. I am so happy you wrote it!!! I've read nothing but horror stories about them online and it's make me not want one though it's much needed. Thanks again for a new outlook on it. Boy am I scared though.

Posted by: shaka at May 21, 2008 7:35 AM
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