January 31, 2008

Mom's been sending e-mail....

Tonight Pete and I tuned into CNN to watch the Democratic Debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on TV. Concurrently, I also linked to the debates online and noticed that there was a little box below the picture where viewers could ask the candidates questions and comment on the broadcast in real time. Cool! ☺

It is doubtful that you (or any of my four other loyal readers) will be surprised to learn that I was delighted by this discovery! As you must know by now, this blogger is an enthusiastic political junkie with strong opinions, which I never hesitate to share.

During the broadcast, I sent in two questions as well as a comment to tell Wolf Blitzer to be quiet and stop interrupting. I don’t like Wolf Blitzer (or his Network) very much. I'm sick and tired of all these so called 'newscasters' who make a habit of dwelling on the trivial to distract us from the truth. And, I'm tired of the spin.

When the broadcast was over, CNN invited its viewers to comment on the broadcast and write to them about any concern. So I did. First, I thanked them for broadcasting the event. Then I sent in my complaint and questioned if anyone actually reads the e-mail that are sent to them. A few minutes later, I received the following message from CNN.

Subject: RE: Anderson Cooper 360
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 22:32:35 -0500

Thanks for your email. Here’s our problem. We want you to know that we really do read every single email you viewers send us. No, honestly. But reading your email is one thing, and composing individual answers to each one is another. That would be a full-time enterprise. In which case, there’d be no AC 360. In which case, there’d be no emails. You see where we’re headed.

Anyway, the best we can do is to acknowledge that we have indeed received and will read your message, and this little note is to let you know that. It’s automatic, yes; fails to take into account whether you’ve patted us on the back or slapped us across the face; does not differentiate between praise, correction, fury, proposals of marriage, or invitations to get lost. But rest assured we’ll know that part when we read it!

I don't expect that anything that people like me write will influence this powerful network. It is unlikely that anything other than money could influence CNN to change their policies very soon. But we can refuse to tune in. And, we can work to take back our airwaves.

Posted by Judi at January 31, 2008 9:00 PM | TrackBack
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