March 6, 2006

Ashes and Snow

Ashes and Snow took my breath away. I have never experienced anything remotely like it.
This exhibit will make you want to shout;

Entering the beautiful structure designed by architect Shigeru Ban expressly for Gregory Colbert's photographs is like entering a cathedral. When you enter this space, you enter another world. A world that is sacred, magical, mystical and meditative.

Everything about Ashes and Snow is exquisite.
The sights, sounds, and the feel of the Nomadic Museum are all mesmerizing. Even the shadows of hanging photographs add to the perfection. Absolutely beautiful and amazing!

So, if you live in or anywhere near LA, get down to the Santa Monica Pier and experience it yourself. It is only here until May 14th. After that date it will be packed up and will go to Japan, then on to Bejing.

Here is a good video to watch... And, you can listen to an interview with photographer Michael Colbert and composer Michael Brook here

"The whales do not sing because they have an answer. They sing because they have a song."

Listen to Mom... Mom says Go and experience Ashes and Snow!. You will thank me.

Posted by Judi at March 6, 2006 8:01 PM | TrackBack
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