January 12, 2006


I am a Dragon but I have a Monkey Mind.

After all these years of meditation, you would think it would slow down a bit. But, more often than not, my mind is racing. I guess I may need more lifetimes to become a person at peace. My practice lacks the discipline of a master.

Yesterday, I had an appointment with my Rheumatologist for a regular follow up. Dr E. is a woman I really admire and trust. I feel comfortable when I go into her office, and never feel the need to hide anything.

She knows me pretty well ... and has seen me at my best and at my worst. Dr E. has seen me through some very dark places, and never fails to lift my spirits. She always has a few minutes to chat. I like her.

Enough years have passed that I have come to know of many of her joys and sorrows as she has known mine. Like all of us, she walks through the hills and valleys of life, and keeps moving forward.

Yesterday, I admitted that one of my highest visions for myself is to become the kind of person with whom others feel peaceful. But, even though this has been one of my spiritual goals for a very long time, achieving this elevated state still seems very far away. In fact, I often feel that 'peaceful' is the last thing that people feel when they are with me.

God bless this kind soul. Dr E. said she sees me as peaceful. And then she said; that she likes that I'm also high energy. No wonder I look forward to my visits every other month. I always get a dose of love with the medicine she dispenses. I'm a lucky dragon.

Posted by Judi at January 12, 2006 9:11 PM | TrackBack
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