September 14, 2005



I have often spoken of the work of the Save the Children organization. After learning of the effects of Hurricane Katrina, I sent another donation to these people because I believed that they would be one I could count on to step up to the plate to help the children affected.

Today, I checked their website. And I see that they didn’t waste much time getting to work. Look Here!


After waking up from a fitful night of intense dreams, I walked downstairs to get a cup of coffee in hopes that my favorite chemical would sweep the cobwebs from my mind. The first thing I saw was a headline in our local newspaper that Ted Lieu won the local election for Assemblyman of the 53rd District. YEAH!

Because we are two blocks out of his district, we were not allowed to vote in this election. (Some years ago, our area was gerrymandered in such a way as to put us in the 55th District.

Nevertheless, I was a supporter of this fine young man, and spent some time campaigning for his election. I was very impressed when I met him and heard him speak. We all hoped that Ted would get at least 50% of the vote in this primary in order to avoid a run off in Arnold's Special Election in November.

Ted recieved nearly 60% of the vote! I hope that this is a precurser of things to come in future elections.


Today i began a yoga class. Just before leaving the house, I grabbed a tatami mat and a towel to put between the Elks club floor and me. To make more of a committment, after lunch I went shopping and bought myself a yoga mat.


On Monday afternoon, I took a big box to the local post office to send off to Matt and Yvette. This evening, Matt called to let me know it arrived at his office today. That is pretty cool. Day after day our postal service really does do a remarkable job.

Posted by Judi at September 14, 2005 3:41 PM | TrackBack
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