July 26, 2005


I felt separated yesterday.
And, the day before that.
And, the day before that.

It had been a long time since I'd felt part of the One.
I was not present ...even with Her.
I didn't ask the question I wanted to.

The sound of the weeping of the multitudes
filled my ears, entered my heart
and broke my peace.

The world intruded. Our actions horrified me.
I felt sadness ... and guilt ... and powerlessness,
as the powerful moved forward

enacting their laws
and disguising the selfish motives
while we consumed in great quantities.

Our excess seemed obscene
as people continued to starve
and die horrifying deaths

while we played
and bought more stuff
and complained about taxes.

Nothing has changed
but for some reason today,
I see the faint light of hope.

Have faith.

Posted by Judi at July 26, 2005 4:18 PM | TrackBack
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