May 18, 2005


I knew it!
For years I have had a color theory about sports.
It now looks like I have been right all along.
The New York Times agrees.
Look here for “The Color For Victory Is Red, Scientists Say”

Much to the chagrin of my family, I would take a quick look at any game they were watching and say something to the effect of; “That team is going to win. They have the best colors!” Or, “Those boys have nicest faces. I think their team is going to win.”
More often than not, I was right.

My predictions are correct lots more times than they are wrong. Matt noticed this fact a long time ago. There were times when he would tell me not to even look at the television in which someone was watching a crucial game. He didn’t want me to jinks the outcome. I tried to comply.

I’m not much interested in watching sports on TV. In fact, I don’t even like to hear the sound of the game in the background. And, it has been a long time since I cared anything about who wins, with few exceptions.

I always want the LA Lakers to win. One, because they are our LA team, and two because Matt is one of their biggest fans. I always want UCLA always to beat our cross town rivals, USC. But, I always envied the fact that the Trojans got the best color.

Now, I know that neither UCLA teams nor The Lakers’ have Red as a team color. When they are winning, it is despite the fact that they are saddled with blue and purple uniforms.

The following statements are also true:

1. Fans of Red teams are the most loyal.

2. Bright colors beat dull colors. And, green is next.

3. The Democrats would do better if we adopted red as our team color.

Posted by Judi at May 18, 2005 5:03 PM | TrackBack
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