August 7, 2004


Any of my five regular readers, who reads Mike's site may have already seen this, but I couldn't resist.

Maybe one or two of you would like to post your answers.
Think of it as the Greater Los Angeles Area.
It's OK to be anonymous.
I’ll understand if you don't.

Here are the questions...

1. How long have you lived in Los Angeles?
2. Were you born here?
3. How long did you plan on staying here originally?
4. How long do you plan on staying here now?
5. What keeps you here?
6. What makes you want to leave?
7. What is your biggest surprise about living here?
8. What is your biggest disappointment about living here?

Here are my answers...

1. How long have you lived in Los Angeles?
Since 1945, at the end of World War Two.
I was four and a half years old.

2. Were you born here?
No, I was born in Minnesota.

3. How long did you plan on staying here originally?
I didn't. My parents took one look, sold everything, packed up and moved us to North Hollywood. When I was small, tumble weeds regularly rolled into our front yard.

4. How long do you plan on staying here now?
Till i die. At that time, I'll decide where I want to live my next life.

5. What keeps you here?
The weather! The ocean.
Family, friends,
and the fact that people from all over the world
live right here in our neighborhood.

6. What makes you want to leave?
Strip malls, congestion. And, we don't have much green.

7. What is your biggest surprise about living here?
That in all the years of living in LA, I have never been to Catalina Island.

8. What is your biggest disappointment about living here?
That we still don't have a really good rapid transit to connect our big spread out city.

Posted by Judi at August 7, 2004 10:57 PM | TrackBack

This is a test comment.

Posted by: Michael at August 8, 2004 5:07 PM

This is the second email test.

Posted by: Michael at August 8, 2004 5:12 PM
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