Some dates in history live on in our memories. September 11th is one of them. The events of that day two years ago have been seared unto the very cells of our mind. We had been living for such a long time with a sense of security in this country. It was always an illusion, but we felt safe in the US.
We were shocked and frightened when we learned what happened that awful morning. I was awakened by a call from a neighbor and instructed to turn on the TV. She knew that our son lived in the Capitol, and that we also had a Dear One in New York. Of course, we were horrified as we saw the events of the day unfold.
We were glued to the TV, but were at least gladdened by the news that our loved ones were safe. The shock and grief settled in. Many of us not only grieved for those who were the victims of the terrorist attack, but for those around the world who would suffer as a result of these acts.
After the shock and grief had taken residence in our hearts and minds, our emotions ran high. Then a sort of acceptance started to take hold. I started to see signs of hope. I began to become hopeful that the terrible events of that day would precipitate an awakening of sort. A spiritual awakening ... an awakening to the knowledge that we are all connected. And, a certainty that what affects the least of us, affects us all.
But then the bombing of Afghanistan began, and I became more afraid. Many more innocents would be killed. Other people's children, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers would be killed. More anger would result. I wrote to our leaders before and after the bombing began and prayed for them to be wise in their decisions.
Since that time, I have noticed that many people are starting to look at the conditions beyond our borders. Some people are looking around. And starting to become informed about the problems and challenges others face. And, starting to realize that what happens to our brothers and sisters, our human family around the world, is our concern too. I have noticed many more programs on TV and movies that focus on these issues. Or maybe, I am just looking for them.
Yet there are those who want to revenge the terrorist acts, or honestly believe that we just need to strike back and keep striking back until no one in the world would have the will to try to hurt us again.
And, I know that there are times that the 'warrior' part of our nature must come forth. There are times when all of us must stand up and say "We will stop you". Sometimes love show itself in ways that are essentially violent. Certainly, if someone tried to harm my children or grand-children, I would use every bit of force I could muster to protect them. At least I hope I would be courageous enough to do so, no matter the cost to me.
Then there is the part of me that strongly believes that violence begets violence. That the only thing that truly disables evil is love. I think that we as a people must try harder to understand the anger that so many around the world hold against us. And, I think we must commit the time and resources to make the changes we must make.
We must all change our consciousness. We must look at the imbalance in the world and recognize our part in perpetuating it. We must stop seeing others as them! It is not Us and Them. It is We. We must do our spiritual work. We must pray or meditate for the whole human family. Even those we consider our enemies. It is only when there is Love that the world will change. Even if you do not pray, or are at a place in your life where faith is not in your heart, send your best wishes for peace to those who oppose us. It is truly the only way.
We are one family. All humans are our brothers and sisters. We cannot be separated.
Posted by Judi at September 11, 2003 2:18 PM | TrackBack