1. Thanks to Matt for giving me my first lesson on computer language (HTML) when he was here for our anniversary weekend. In looking back at I WANT A MAC!, I realized that the pages timed out on the URL for pictures of the Macs I love, and the accessories which captivated me. So I fixed it. Why wouldn't the Apple Store want their products shown like this? Or, is there something I don't understand? And, did I use the right term when I referred to the URL? I'm not sure.
2. I really love the book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg. Matt gave this to me when I first started blogging. On the plane to Cincinnati, I played the whole trip with an exercise she suggested in this wonderful book.
This is part of it. Page 61, Titled 'Syntax'
"Take one of your most boring pieces if writing and choose from it three or four consecutive lines or sentences and write them at the top of a blank piece of paper...."
"...Okay. See each one of those words simply as wooden blocks, all the same size and color. No noun or verb has any more value than the, a, and. Everything is equal. Now, for a third of a page, scramble them up as though you were just moving wooden blocks around. Don't try to make sense of what you write down. Your mind will keep trying to construct something. Hold back the urge, relax, and mindlessly write down the words. You will have to repeat words to fill in the page.
She goes on giving her examples and adding suggestions. The nearly 5 hour trip passed as though it were a few minutes for me. I have to try this exercise many more times. I learned a lot.
My mind kept trying to 'construct'. I had to resort to writing each word separately, tearing them into blocks, and moving them around blindly before writing down what was laid out before me.
Here is my final attempt. I did construct. I wrote this while standing at the back of the plane:
Sky bright though the window
Clouds sitting on blue
Land cut in pieces
Distorted through the curved glass
3. Wesley Clark:
OK. I caught a bit of Real Time with Bill Maher last night. He featured Wesley Clark. Terrific. Maybe Matt is right, our Democratic canditate may not have announced yet.
Last night, apparently there was both a California Gubanatorial Debate and 2004 Democratic Canditate's Debate. I missed them both. I don't even know if they were televised. Now I have to search online to see if I can see them. ...Trying to become informed.
I hate watching things like this on the computer. I need one connected to the TV. And, it should have a TIVO-like feature attached. Boy, am I spoiled!
Gotta go. I'll fix this later.
Posted by Judi at September 10, 2003 11:51 AM | TrackBack