OK! ...Guess someone is reading this. Matt called yesterday to ask what had happened. He'd noticed that while at first I was almost compulsively posting, nothing had been added for a long time. I haven't been away. Just doing other things for a while.
If anyone wonders, the last post on July 4th was written that day, but somehow was not published until today. Actually I thought that I had also written of my adventures in gardening and insights in being truly alone. I will have to check what happened.
But that also will have to wait until I can sit here a little longer. I actually have lots to say. Anyone who knows me, is aware that I always have a lot to say. Some of it, that is not lost in useless verbiage, is actually worth saying!
i saw your 4th of july post several days ago, so perhaps it was just hiding from certain folks.
Posted by: mrs diggs at July 19, 2003 7:28 AMThere actually are two separate posts that date. However, with the new format, it isn't as apparent. The last one, that appears on the top, was written on the 4th, but just got posted a few days ago. I'm still learning, so I guess I saved it but didn't publish it when I thought I did.
Posted by: Mom at July 19, 2003 10:59 PM