Here I am! My own blog! I can't believe that a few years ago I was afraid of touching a computer.
Both my sons have blogs. Actually I didn't even know what the word "blog" meant before a couple of months ago. I thought bloggers were people who played computer games. And what Mike and Matt had were just called web sites. When asked, Mike patiently explained it to me on the phone, then made a joke of my question on his blog. I am a great source of amusement to my oldest son, and you will find examples of this just by looking here:
After expressing some interest in having my own site, Mike started pushing me to pick a name. I finally came up with this one while clipping an article from the newspaper I thought would interest Matt. At some point during their teenage years one of the boys came up with 'MOM...ON THE ALERT!". because of my habit of wanting to inform the guys of things I thought they should know....
The Name:
I came up with this one while clipping an article from the newspaper I thought would interest Matt. At some point during their teenage years, one of the boys came up with 'MOM...ON THE ALERT!" because of my habit of wanting to inform the guys of little facts I thought they should know
Keep functioning ,impressive job! key1
Posted by: at June 22, 2012 12:44 AM